Thursday 27 January 2011

Filling the time

I have two evening classes that are on an inter-semester break, so I only have a 7pm class on a Mon/Tue and Thur. Woohoo! I have a Wednesday and Friday free from teaching after Kindergarten. Today I went to the train station to attempt to book a ticket to Hualien, they said there were no seats. Then I tried bus companies, but they said there isn't a service from Taipei to Hualien. Oh well. Looks like I may not get to Hualien this Chinese New Year. But I do have a lot of things around here that can occupy my time.

Then I went in search of an art gallery called 'Stock 20'. I couldn't find it, but after my day of walking about I checked online and I have a better idea of where it is, so i'll try again :)

After that I had a bit of a wander and look about some stalls a few blocks up from the train station. Most were selling candy for CNY. Then I went to ChungYo department store in search of Lush :D To buy perfume. I ran out and bought another.
They have a store called 'Jasons' in there, where I went to buy the ingredients for Tablet.

Later in the day I made tablet :D haha! It is so tasty, if not quite right. I think I put in too much butter. I took it to work to try and introduce something new to my workmates. I think because I didn't hand it to them directly, folks were reluctant to try. I'll see if more of it is eaten next time I go to work.

Then I joined Renee and Geoff for dinner. Renee made white chicken chili. It was delicious, I have never had it before. Yummy.

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