Tuesday 13 April 2010

Dinner, singing, exotic plants and cute puppies

This Saturday I joined Zach for dinner with his boss and family. It was really nice. They took us to a Japanese restaurant. It gave me insight into etiquette at dinner when you're with the main guest. Zach was said person as it was a dinner to celebrate his birthday this week. There were a lot of toasts and a LOT of delicious food. The interesting thing was the drink of choice was red wine...which I drank out of politeness...and had no allergic reaction. I was just a bit merry after the dinner :D The previous post about ganbei was info for you as I had to do that a couple of times at dinner. The grandpa (father of Zach's boss Chris) very much enjoyed doing ganbei. haha.

After that we met with a few folks (awesome friends); Chien, Megan, Noel, Anthony...for KTV (karaoke). Noel's sister and partner joined later. It was so much fun! :D
I think this is us singing Mambo No. 5. Left to right: Zach, Me, Chien then Noel.

On Sunday we headed through to Taichung. There was Megan, Anthony, Zach and myself. We went into the greenhouse at the science museum...which is a tropical forest with lots of gorgeous plants. I had been in before but the lads hadn't, so it was a good choice. There are also giant fish in a tank underneath which are pretty cool!

Then we had a wander around, Megan took us to 'bark park' where folks have gathered up a lot of strays and try and find a good home for them. A really nice thing to do methinks. They were mostly puppies which were so cute! Oh man, the temptation was so great to take one home with me.

We also wandered around a department store to kill some time. We met Chien there and she joined us for a while. After that Zach, Anthony and I joined others for a late dinner at a restaurant. I can't remember the name but it was an American chain methinks. It was good. I had been there once before. I had fish and chips...which to be honest I won't have again.

Still, a glorious weekend. Next weekend is the festival of Matsu (or Mazu) the Goddess of the sea who protects fishermen and sailors. I have asked for Saturday off so I can go through early and see the whole thing in ChangHua. No doubts lots of pictures to follow next weekend. Great stuff!

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